Donald Trump Is a Hero for Lying

The malignant narcissist boasted to Bob Woodward about his downplaying of the severity of coronavirus. For our own good.

Pat Navin
2 min readSep 10, 2020
“I wanted to always play it down,” Trump said March 19. He added: “I still like playing it down, because I don’t want to create a panic.” (Image courtesy of Julien Tromeur.}

Thank god for Donald Trump. He spared us the worry that COVID-19 was a deadly virus that could kill hundreds of thousands of us.

“You just breathe the air, and that’s how it’s passed,” Trump said in a Feb. 7 call. “And so that’s a very tricky one. That’s a very delicate one. It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flu.”

“This is deadly stuff,” the president repeated for emphasis, saying the virus was as much as five times deadlier than the flu.

“I wanted to always play it down,” Trump said March 19. He added: “I still like playing it down, because I don’t want to create a panic.”

Oh, wait…

The virus has killed hundreds of thousands of us and is on track to kill hundreds of thousands more primarily because Donald Trump has absolutely refused to generate a coherent, nationalized response to the pandemic, unlike every other developed nation in the world.

And he brags about it — ON TAPE! — to Bob Woodward.

So how can one explain such ludicrousness except to conclude that Trump is such a malignant narcissist that he truly believes that whatever he does — no matter how idiotic or contrary to science/facts — is the right course of action?

To a normal, thinking person, this revelation is incomprehensible. But to Trump and his devoted followers, it makes perfect sense.


As we know by now, Trump’s first thought on any issue is, “How does this affect me?”

Never have we been treated to such a clear — and costly — example. Nearly 200,000 deaths later, Trump is still holding maskless rallies and suggesting that the pandemic is mostly behind us, contrary to every bit of science and data.

Donald Trump is an existential threat to our nation and the world.

I suspect this story is just beginning. More patriotic Americans who have knowledge of the threat Trump poses will be stepping forward in the coming days.

The Republican leadership, led by feckless Mitch McConnell in the Senate and Trump sycophant Kevin McCarthy in the House, are unlikely to force Trump to step down. But Woodward’s tapes prove just what a monumental idiot we have for a president. Even an American public enured to Trump’s unrelenting lying and malevolent narcissism will recognize the danger posed by this man.

He will be trounced. And we must make it so. Vote.

Our lives and those of our fellow citizens depend on it.



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