Not a Shred of Humanity. None.

Pat Navin
1 min readMar 29, 2020


No, you don’t love America or Americans. You love yourself. And only yourself.

I returned from a bike ride on Friday and I made the mistake of turning on Trump’s daily press conference. What struck me was that on a day in which we passed 1,500 deaths in the U.S. from the pandemic, our president offered not a word of condolence or sympathy to the families who have lost loved ones to this deadly scourge.

Not. One. Word.

Can you imagine any other president not offering words of comfort to fellow citizens who lost loved ones in such an epic tragedy? Can you imagine Bush after 9–11 and Katrina not consoling families? Obama after the numerous mass shootings while he was president?

Trump’s malignant narcissism is on full display. No doubt, mentioning those who have died would be too damaging to his fragile ego. It would indicate a failure on his part, in his mind. Thus, not a consoling word. Not a caring word. Just more braggadocio about all that his administration has done and some ugly attacks on governors who, he believes, have not been deferential enough to him.

A complete and total lack of humanity. Not surprising, but horrifically sad…



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